Anti-Bullying Guidance

Canllawiau Gwrth Fwlio

Schools should take bullying very seriously and deal with it quickly to show that bullying is not allowed.

Every school in Wales must, by law, have a school behaviour policy in place. This policy should explain how the school will deal with bullying.

If you are being bullied you should do the following:
• Get away from the situation as quickly as you can.
• Tell someone you can trust in the school who can help you. This could be a teacher, your form tutor, or another adult in the school. If the school do not know that you are being bullied, they can’t help. Keep telling them until someone listens and does something to stop the bullying.
• Tell someone in your family so that your family knows what is happening and can help you.
• Don’t blame yourself for what has happened.

If you are scared to tell an adult by yourself, ask a friend to come with you.

When you are talking to an adult about bullying, try to tell them as much as possible. For example, tell them:
• what has happened to you
• how it makes you feel
• how often it has happened
• who was involved
• who saw what happened
• where it happened
• if you have done anything about it.
As a pupil you can make a complaint about any matter to do with your school. If you want to make a complaint about the way your school is dealing with bullying, ask a member of staff for a copy of your school’s complaints procedure. It will explain how to make your complaint. The procedure will include the name of someone who can act as a contact point, who can find someone to help you through the complaints process.

If you find it difficult to talk to someone at school or at home you can contact MEIC, a free 24-hour help line for children and young people. You can ask MEIC for advice and support about lots of things, including bullying. MEIC can contact the school for you to talk to your school about bullying. Visit the MEIC website at call them free on 08088 023456.

If bullying is making you feel really upset, you may be able to have counselling to help you deal with those feelings. Counselling is available to children in Year 6and to all young people aged between 11 and 18. You can make an appointment yourself or ask your parents, guardian, carer, professional or a friend to make an appointment for you.